
How can
LetzMark be used?

Any picture, note, paper that you want to capture and organize into collections.
Something like a notepad or a photoalbum but digital with more features and simple to use...

Check out example collections

TravellerNature observer
Local places observer
Quick note taker
Maximum privacy and freedom?

Got you! Keep the collections on your device, back it up manually on your computer.

Show collections to other people?

Maybe you don't want to publish collection to our cloud or find yourself in places without Internet access and want to share a collection of your favourite local places? Export, import, share your collections with your friends directly (e‑mail, bluetooth, any kind of file transfer).

Conveniece of online world?

Publish collections to our cloud and share with others. Even people that don't have LetzMark app will be able to see your colletions in the browser. Ads, analyzing or collecting your data will never happen. Never!